Media or Information Provider
Number of Hours of Consumption in a Week
no. of
hours spent in a week
7 hours
42 hours
14 hours
5 hours
5 hours
2 hours
- Which media provider did you spent the most time?
- In a week, I spend approximately 42 hours talking with my friends and scrolling through my Facebook account that's why I can conclude that I have spent most of my time in this website. Ranking in the second place is Twitter and the third one is YouTube.
2. What roles does the media play in your lives? (leisure learning, communication, etc.)
- Media, as a whole, has been a very essential part of my life, especially as a student. For me, media serves as one of my favorite thing to do during my past time or leisure time. Through media, I get to be updated with all the happenings around the world - including the national news, world news, sports news, showbiz news, and even updates on the lives of my friends and relatives. Media also helped me a lot in communicating with the people around me, and by communicating I am also able to learn from the conversations that I had with the ones I have talked to by exchanging ideas and information. Like for example, I regularly use my Facebook account to communicate with my classmates to ask whether we have school works that must be submitted on the next day. By this way, I don't only get the chance to communicate with them, but I have also gathered and learned new information from them. Therefore, I can conclude that in my life, media plays a big role in entertainment, leisure, learning, and communication.
3. Define Media and Information Literacy.
- Media and Information Literacy (MIL), defined as the ability to access, analyze, and create media, is a prerequisite for citizens to realize their rights to freedom of information and expression. It deals with the deep human need to communicate in a complex world that does not offer equal opportunities for everyon
on Information Literacy
If the site looks like a professional web designer built it, then the
is probably reliable.
At first, I thought that Information Literacy is gathering and
information using different available platforms.
Initially, I also thought that Information Literacy is an ability
helps an individual to understand and reflect on the
information found on different media.
on Media Literacy
Initially, I thought that Media literacy is only all about
the proper
use of different media platforms, but when we tackled it,
I found out that it has a deeper meaning compared to
my first idea.
on Technology Literacy
Before discussing its actual meaning, I first thought that
Literacy is all about the benefits and advantages one can
with the help of different media through available
on Media and Information Literacy
At first, I really have no idea on what Media and
Literacy is all actually about. I just assumed that it
an individual’s ability to use the internet to communicate
gather information.
In your opinion what makes an individual literate in media
and information?
As I have read some information on the internet, on my own understanding, I can say that an individual may be considered literate in media and information if they can properly understand and make their own opinions and decisions wisely based on the media or information they use. They are able to effectively evaluate sources, create new knowledge in order to publish and collaborate responsibly which requires ethical, cultural and social understanding. One may also be considered literate if he or she is able to engage in a digital society, where he or she analyzes, thinks critically, understands very carefully, and creates intelligent decisions or statements based on what he or she have read or seen. In conclusion, to be considered as a literate person today means more than being able to read and write. In a world diverse with cultures, print texts, media, and technologies, a literate person needs to possess certain specific capabilities.
2. What activities or habits
do you practice which illustrates
Media and Information literacy?
One of the things which I really give importance to is trust and credibility, and in order to gain and maintain one’s trust, all the information that I would tell them must be 100% true and reliable. Young as I am today, I always make sure that everything that I post, say, share, and comment must be accurate. Before sharing a news article or even a blog post, I will read, analyze, and understand it first very carefully before clicking the go button. Another habit that I practice is understanding whole-heatedly the answers or information for my home works and researches that I would get from the internet. I do not believe immediately in everything that I see online, except if the site is an official one and if it’s really reliable. I also make sure that the accurate pieces of information that I have gathered online must be properly applied in my daily works. Last but not the least, I regularly communicate with my friends and relatives online, through Facebook. Since I have the ability to access this site, I make sure that I use it properly and responsibly. I must be responsible of all the actions that I will make
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